Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sagacity blog logo

We created a new logo for the political blog Sagacity yesterday:

Sagacity is hosted by Blogspot, which allows users to insert their own text and/or graphic headers. In order for the logo to fit into the allotted space, we adjusted the size of the logo to 710 pixels (width) by 285 pixels (length).

Friday, July 6, 2012

Poetry book cover design

Aside from web design, Webs Divine has also developed a book cover portfolio. All of our cover designs are created primarily for e-books, which are used on a variety of platforms including Amazon (Kindle), Barnes & Noble (Nook) and Kobo Books (multiple formats).

This is our latest design:

Torn Bits & Pieces features abstract poetry by fiction author Deborah O'Toole.

As with most of our book cover designs, we begin with a blank slate and add various bits of text, images and special border outlines. When working with clients, we do our best to create their visions to exact proportions with colors and specific graphics.

DID YOU KNOW? Most online book outlets, in particular Amazon and Barnes & Noble, require large-sized images for unload and display (850 pixels width by 1133 pixels length). However, for general marketing purposes, 510 by 680 pixels is usually acceptable.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Flyers for Books & Authors

Webs Divine offers several services for authors, including book cover design, e-book conversion, flash photo galleries and web site design.

Our newest service is creating flyers for authors and their various books and/or library of book titles. The flyers can be used for publicity or other marketing purposes, and made available from the specific author's web site for download in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) format.

Our newest flyers include the Bloodline Trilogy and the Collective Obsessions Saga, both written by Deidre Dalton.

In order to assemble professional and comprehensive flyers, we often ask the client for book cover images and other photos, along with biography and product information.

To learn more about our flyer services, click here.

Food Fare newsletter template

This is our latest online newsletter design:

Click here to see the actual newsletter.

Constructing tables for online newsletter design has become rather obsolete, but we like to make use of them just the same. Quite often, left and right hand columns on the sides don't match in length because of uneven text or inserted images, so they need to be manually manipulated. When adjusting column lengths within CSS templates, the entire design can be thrown off and look atrocious. Tables with columns are much easier to fix, and in the end they look just as professional as CSS-based layouts.

To view more newsletter template designs, click here.